For instance, if a save button on an order entry GUI is pushed, a business rule could stipulate that the contents of the order are persisted to a database. 比方说,如果按下了定单输入GUI上的保存按钮,业务规则会保证命令的内容被保存到数据库中。
Obviously, each Destination has to have at least one persistent store in order to save its contents and its context data. 显而易见,每个目的地必须至少有一个持久存储区,以便保存其内容及其内容数据。
Alternatively, you can use> to save the output of the entire sequence to a file ( destroying the existing contents of the file, if any). 此外,您还可使用>来将整个命令序列的输出结果保存到一个文件中(这将覆盖现有的文件内容)。
There is a facility to save the contents of a Canvas to a PostScript file, by calling$ canvas-> postscript (-file=> "file_name. ps"). 有一个工具用于将画布内容存储到PostScript文件中,这就是通过调用$canvas->postscript(-file=>“”)。
The link register save area holds the link register contents of the function being called, rather than for the current function. 链接寄存器保存区存有被调用函数(而非当前函数)的链接寄存器内容。
Save the Interface Map editor contents. 保存InterfaceMap编辑器内容。
The SAVE utility can be used in saving the buffer contents into a file, and the GET utility can be used in loading a file contents into the SQL Buffer Utility. 可以使用SAVE命令将缓冲区的内容保存到某个文件中,也可以使用GET命令将文件内容加载到SQLBufferUtility中。
Save the assembly diagram contents. 保存组装关系图内容。
This help they save time with the money, lowering dangerous, adjust to control their plait distance technique, and provide the customer a contents for needing tangibly. 这帮助它们节省时间和金钱,降低危险,调控它们的编程技术,并且确切地提供用户所需要的内容。
Choose whether to save the note contents. 选择是否保存便笺内容。
Save the current pane window's contents to a file 将当前窗格窗口的内容保存到文件中
Specify the settings of the save window contents command and defaults for the directory import and export commands. 指定“保存window内容”命令的设置及“目录导入和导出”命令的默认值。
This will give you the option to save all the contents of the log to either XML or a text file. 这样做会给你选项来拯救所有内容的井是XML或文本文件。
Save the current contents of the performance log to a file 将当前性能记录的内容保存到文件
Save selected grid cell contents to a file. 将选定的表格单元内容保存到文件中。
Where do you want to save the contents of this binder? 您希望将活页夹的内容保存到何处?
Automatically save the contents of the canvas to a page in a PDF file at set intervals. 自动保存在画布上的内容在一个设定的时间间隔在页面的PDF文件。
Trace buffer doesn't save top of stack or contents of memory referenced by registers. 跟踪缓冲区并不保存栈顶或由寄存器所指向的内存的内容。
To save changes, tap Cancel, and copy and paste the contents into a new note. 要保存更改,请点击取消,并将内容复制并粘贴至新的便笺中。
Save project, contents, and index files. 保存工程、目录、索引文件。
In this system, users input the marking contents through the users interface module, and save the marking contents as text into the database, then through the marking controlling module, we dynamically change marking text contents into graphics and mark it on the bearings. 系统通过用户界面将输入的打标内容以文本格式保存到数据库中,然后通过我们设计的打标控制类,将用户输入的内容动态地转换成图形后输出打标在轴承上。
Asa file, here is used to save the chatted contents of user. asa文件中定义。在此用于存储用户的谈话内容。